Monday, August 26, 2024

Social media as News and Information

Social Media has become the norm when looking for News and Information. Platforms like Twitter/X , Instagram, TikTok, etc. have served as primary sources of news. When it maybe to looking at who won the game last night, what are the latest fashion trends, or did Grandma just press the wrong button and is now live. But Social Media can also be a down fall as its filled with Information that can't always be trusted.


TikTok while not one of the best ways to get information from is one I use to get information for games, shows, movies, and celebrities to get quick updates on what's happening with them. TikTok has formatted a lot of their content to be consumed quick and easy that also personalizes content based on your likes and engagement to the content. This has been one of the places where firsthand information has spread rapidly. while the short content is great for on the go content it can lack depth of analysis of what is currently going on in the world. This can also spread misinformation as interpretation is up to the creator and viewer.


Instagram while still not a good place to get information I believe its better than TikTok. I like to use Instagram for their infographics and their Visual Journalism. It's useful when remembering events that I plan to go to, keeping up with what's going on in my friends lives, and to keep up with celebrities. I feel that impactful images can speak for a thousand words and most verified users spread well informed information on the platform


Snapchat is mainly used for messaging people and viewing their "stories" which are
pictures or videos that don't last for a while (24 hours). Stories from Snapchat are really basic to get news from and can provide misinformation because anyone can post a story and there is barely any verification to check sources which can lead to people stretching the truth. Although there are some official network stories that I and others use for news Snapchats format doesn't make it good for news.

4. X / Twitter

Twitter now known as X proves that not everyone should be able to give opinions because you will find so many people just posting things for attention. Before the switch to X, Twitters landscape was calm and kind of pleasant but when it got bought by Elon Musk and turned into X it turned into a cesspool of people trying to get famous mainly due to the subscription service that gets you verified. Verification is supposed to mean something that helps people distinguish real company accounts from the fakers out there trying to impersonate others but now that verification on X can be bought things just got a whole lot harder. Sure you could get news from X by following credible news sources but sometimes its just gets lost in the shuffle of everyone else's opinions.

5. Linked In

LinkedIn is the perfect place to build a name for yourself while communicating with others in the workforce. Even though there are many professional accounts that can report news, there are still scams out there and the format is the best for sharing articles and such. Its just Twitter/X but more professional.

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