Thursday, September 19, 2024

Living in the Age of AI

    Imagine a world where your technology did things for you, we are getting close to that reality with every passing day but is that really a good thing? If everything were done for us, would we not just feel irrelevant, I mean we humans thrive for purpose and stand up to any challenge that comes our way? Technology is a tool for us to help us do certain tasks more easily, and with the rise of AI people have been cutting out the middleman in that relationship by letting technology do the work for you. There is a difference between doing the work and having people do it for you.  


    There are several machine/AI operated aspects that do come in handy but require a human aspect in order to function like autopilots in airplanes or cars sure they make life easier but they aren't perfect like they still need a human pilot to correct their errors, heck look at all the times where Tesla's autopilots got people to crash. AI has made several jobs harder when it comes to employment like journalism and art because there are many AI programs that can type an article for you in a matter of seconds with basic information, and for art you can just type in a prompt and the AI program will make a stellar art piece stealing other people's art to make an amalgamation of what you describe, no wonder digital artist hate AI. 


    AI has run rampant ruining things like contests and trolling. As an example, recently there was a Pokémon card art contest where half the entries were all made by one AI artist, which sucks because there were so many talented artists that entered that contest to have their art be turned into a Pokémon card 


    The evolution of AI is very scary recently there was someone that used AI to make music then released all of it on Spotify and they actually made money from it, which is awful because even though music has been iffy lately there was always a human element to music that made it stick but when you use AI that element is gone. Many people are starting to depend on AI too much to do tasks that they
can simply do themselves like writing a blog post (this blog post is not made by AI because then I
would not tell you that if everyone depends on someone/something else to do the work for them then how would they learn?

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