Monday, September 9, 2024

Privacy, Online & Off

Ever just open up a new app on your phone and it asks if you want your location tracked while using it, the first thing that you would probably ask yourself is why would they want my location but that's how things are these days. Technology both a blessing and a curse these days its amazing how I can catch up with my friends with the touch of a button but that can always be used against us. 

    People want to be left alone these days but in this current day and age someone will always want your information especially the technology you hold dear. Ever just talk about something or look something up then just get so many ads for that very thing well with technology companies always watch your every move and try to use the information that they gain from you against you for the money. 

    With every innovation the easier it is for companies to track your data without even trying heck even when you agree to the terms and conditions to certain things you are still not safe because companies think they are sneaky by trying to sneak some terms and conditions that can be used against the consumer and they agree to it because who reads the terms and conditions like they are usually 37 pages long so yeah.

    Recently Disney used their terms of service against someone that tried to sue them for their restaurants not taking the proper precautions for serving the guys wife that was allergic to nuts, she died. Unfortunately because the guy signed up for Disney Plus in 2019 and agreed to the terms of service that stated that they wouldn't be able to sue the company, he couldn't sue the company which is really scummy. 

Another scummy thing people use technology for is security cameras sure its cool have safety and have surveillance to see what can go wrong in your areas but there are some places where cameras shouldn't be. Many Air BnB home owners put hidden cameras in their house to see if the people renting the house are following the rules but many times the cameras are not stated in the listings or they are even put in private areas like the bathroom or bed room heck some of the owners sell their footage online like sex and people using the bathroom which is so wrong and illegal. Every advancement of technology comes with the risk of being spied on by smaller and more powerful cameras. 

    It's really easy to fake your identity online why do you think dating apps are a scam also people just try to scam other people these days why do you think all those hot moms want to get to know me in the area I mean there's a lot of me to go around but yeah its a scam. With the internet being filled with so many strangers its important to stay safe when using technology especially children because there are many creeps out their that will try to exploit your kids for their own creepy fantasy's. Even when these creeps get caught they don't get the right justice done to them the world is so unfair. So remember stranger danger. 

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